Fr. DeNisco Council #3862 - History

The Father DeNisco Council was instituted on May 25, 1954. William D. Abert and Harry Kachline from Union Council No. 345, Easton, were responsible for most of the early planning. Preliminary meetings were held at Our Lady of Good Council Church Hall, Bangor.

First officers

(Seated - left to right) Pasquale Vicario, Carl A.Zegalia, Dr.Anthony Baratta, Rev. Charles Sweeney, C.M, Matthew Giovannini, Dr. Leonard Rushin, Albert Hunt (Standing) Anthony Sabia, Guido Morfesi, Walter Grosskopf, Albert Paolini, Pat Tepoli, Michael Goffredo, Ralph Stampone

Dr. Leonard Rushin was elected the first Grand Knight and it was under his direction that a committee was chosen to select a name suitable for the Slate Belt Area Knights of Columbus. After several meetings, the Council was named in honor of Father DeNisco. (Father DeNisco was the first pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Roseto and an active leader in the area).

The Rev. Charles Sweeney, C. M., guided the council as Chaplain through its formative years with his example and directions. The council lost the services of a great organizer and leader, Brother Nick Zito, in its infancy.

As time passed and with changes in Chaplains and Grand Knights, meetings were held in the local parish halls, but it was evident that a home was needed to derive the full benefit from the Knights of Columbus program.

A charter of incorporation was granted to Father DeNisco Council No. 3862 Home Association at the Northampton County Court House on May 28, 1958. A building fund was established to provide the necessary funds fot the future home.

During the administration of Michael Goffredo as Grand Knight and with the encouragement of Rev. Gennaro J. Leone, C. M., as Chaplain, the Home Association decided that it was time to give serious consideration to permanent housing. The Home Association Officers began working diligently to obtain land or a suitable property for a home.

On April 23, 1963, the Home Association accepted contribution of a parcel of land from William P. Doall. On July 23, 1963, ground was broken for the Knights of Columus Home on the Roseto-West Bangor Road under the direction of Anthony Capozollo, President of the Home Association and Anthony Trigiani, Grand Knight.

3862 Council Home

This was the beginning of many hours of hard work by the members. Many people were asked to contribute financially as well as lending physical labor. Through the generous efforts of many, our Home began to materialize.

And so, with the blessing of God in answering our prayers, we were able to dedicate our new Home on October 9, 1966. The main speaker for the dedication was Dr. John H. Griffin, then Supreme Physician, and Monsignor Agnello J. Angelini offered the blessing and benediction. Serving the Council as Grand Knight and supervising all festivities for the dedication was Domenick C. Falcone.

Monument to the unborn

In 1995, under the direction of Thomas Bavaria and with the help of Chaplain, Father Robert Swain, a memorial to all unborn children who were victims of abortion was erected in front of the council home.

The monument, a large slate cemented in a concrete base, was built in front of the council home on West Bangor Road. The slate was donated by Anthony Dally and Sons and installed by contractor Robert Bond. Landscaping was donated by Robert Castelletti and several volunteers. More than 80 persons attended the dedication.

Capozzolo Hall

The home has always been an asset to the community in that it is available to the Catholic churches and schools of the Slate Belt area for their affairs and also to the public for rentals for weddings and other private affairs.

Please see the "Hall Rental" section of our website for more information.
Capozzolo Hall entry way
Capozzolo Hall placque

In 2008, the rental hall was dedicated to Anthony Capozzolo for his support to the Knights of Columbus throughout his life. He was instrumental in the construction of the Council Home, lake and Christ the King Shrine.

The use of the home has expanded over the years to include all the Council's and Ladies Auxiliary's meetings and activities such as ceremonial degrees, religious processions, annual dinner dance, community Easter egg hunt and the ever popular Fall and Spring spaghetti dinners held on the second Sundays of October and March, respectively.