A charter of incorporation was granted to Father DeNisco Council No. 3862 Home Association at
the Northampton County Court House on May 28, 1958. A building fund was established to provide
the necessary funds fot the future home.
During the administration of Michael Goffredo as Grand Knight and with the encouragement of Rev.
Gennaro J. Leone, C. M., as Chaplain, the Home Association decided that it was time to give
serious consideration to permanent housing. The Home Association Officers began working
diligently to obtain land or a suitable property for a home.
On April 23, 1963, the Home Association accepted contribution of a parcel of land from William
P. Doall. On July 23, 1963, ground was broken for the Knights of Columus Home on the Roseto-West
Bangor Road under the direction of Anthony Capozollo, President of the Home Association and
Anthony Trigiani, Grand Knight.